Victory for Tenants: Phoenix Legal Secure Over £13,000 in Compensation for Clients

Victory for Tenants: Phoenix Legal Secure Over £13,000 in Compensation for Clients

Tenants Receive Substantial Payouts After Landlord Fails to Protect Deposits

A recent triumph prevailed for Phoenix Legal Solicitors and our clients within our Tenancy Deposit Department. Our clients, Mrs C & Mrs S, took action against their landlord over the failure to protect their tenancy deposit with any of the 3 nationally available deposit protection schemes. This later led to an award of compensation for the 3 separate occasions in which the landlord failed to protect their deposit.

Initial Concerns and Online Research

In 2019 our clients paid a deposit of £2,307.00. Alarm bells rang for our clients when their landlord was unable to provide a location of their deposit when another tenant had requested their deposit back.

Due to the large sum of money transferred to the landlord, our clients were rightfully concerned leading them to conduct online research of their own, which showed their deposit was not registered with any of the schemes. This led to our clients seeking professional help from our Tenancy Deposit Team who committed themselves to bringing justice for them.

Evidence and Legal Action

Upon reviewing evidence, it was found that between 01/10/2019 and 31/10/2022 our clients were given 2 written tenancy agreements plus a periodic tenancy agreement allowing Phoenix Solicitors to claim for 3 breaches of the tenancy deposit rules.

Further Failures by the Landlord

In October 2022 Mrs S left the property, however, Mrs C remained. Around this time, the landlord also requested a further £923.00 from Mrs C. However, despite increasing the deposit amount, they still failed to protect our client’s deposit.

Mrs C remained in the property for 2 further tenancy agreements between 14/11/2022 and 13/11/2023.

Our Team’s Successful Negotiations and Settlements

On 29/01/2024 our team engaged in communications with the landlord who admitted to the breaches in the first instance and soon entered into negotiations with our team.

Upon settlement, Phoenix Solicitors were able to recover a total of £6,921.00 in damages for Mrs C and Mrs S for the tenancies between 01/10/2019 and 31/10/2022 within the span of 6 just months.

Phoenix Solicitors then agreed settlement for a further £6,460.00 for Mrs C for the tenancies between 14/11/2022 and 13/11/2023.

Mrs C and Mrs S were overjoyed by the success of their claims in such a short period of time.

Deposit not protected?

If you believe your landlord has failed to protect your deposit, do not hesitate to submit a free online enquiry and a member of our team will contact you to discuss if we can help you also bring a claim.

0151 306 3694 More about Tenancy Deposit Claims

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