Author Archives: Phoenix Legal Solicitors

Consequences of not serving all tenants the correct eviction notice

Consequences of not serving all tenants the correct eviction notice

Phoenix Legal Limited have recently defended a client in relation to a possession claim brought by the landlord wanting to regain possession for themselves. The Client has occupied the property from March 2019 with his two elderly parents and his young son. Since the inception of the tenancy, they made several and consistent complaints as […]

David versus Goliath or should we say Maull versus the Home Office!

David versus Goliath or should we say Maull versus the Home Office!

Phoenix Legal Solicitors acted on behalf of Angela Maull in a claim for breach of contract against the Home Office who, after offering our client a position on £33,032 in November 2018 and paying her the agreed salary for over 4mths, unilaterally and without agreement reduced our client’s basic salary to £29,040 by sending our […]

Tenancy Deposit Disguised as Rent In Advance

Tenancy Deposit Disguised as Rent In Advance

Our client occupied the property in September 2013 on a 12-month tenancy agreement and paid £675 to their landlord. The landlord attempted to get around the deposit issue by saying that the payment was “rent in advance”, and that if they leave the property in a good condition, they will get a “bonus payment” of […]

An out of court settlement of £4,000.00 has been awarded to our client after Southport Hospital failed to diagnose fractures after he fell whilst playing football

An out of court settlement of £4,000.00 has been awarded to our client after Southport Hospital failed to diagnose fractures after he fell whilst playing football

Our Client, approached Phoenix Legal Solicitors, to investigate a Clinical Negligence Claim against Southport & Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust. Our client sustained injuries to both his hands following a fall whilst playing football. He attended the A&E department at Southport Hospital, where he was seen by a nurse and a doctor. Our client had both […]

Lancashire County Council fined over Hand Arm Vibration issues

Lancashire County Council fined over Hand Arm Vibration issues

In February 2019, Manchester Magistrates Court fined Lancashire County Council after several employees carrying out work in the highways department developed a debilitating nerve condition as a result of failure to control exposure to vibration. Regular use of vibrating tools causes the painful and disabling disorder which, in this case, has left the employees with […]