Purchase scams

Purchase Scams -Phoenix Legal Solicitors

What are ‘Purchase Scams’?

Buying and selling items online has become normal, and everyday thing for most people whether that may be on trusted and well-established platforms such as eBay and Gumtree or newer platforms such as Vinted and Depop. 

These online platforms offer an easy way to buy and sell almost anything from clothes to electrical items to motor vehicles.

Unfortunately, despite the safe buying and selling guarantees most of these platforms offer, the platforms are simply not equipped to monitor all suspicious activity that comes with the perks of the sites.

These sites make it extremely easy for scammers to list items that are not in their possession with little to no verification process whilst setting up their accounts. Scammers will often list high-value items such as cars, vans and motorhomes and sell them at a ‘too good to be true price’. Whilst you may think that this could be a red flag, scammers are extremely convincing and can provide believable stories as to why they are selling the vehicle to convince potential buyers that they are genuine.

In addition to this, we have seen an increase in scam delivery services being offered to buyers by scammers to prevent them from requesting to view the vehicle in person before purchasing. Scammers will also provide a ‘money back guarantee’ if you do not like the item upon arrival, giving buyers the impression that their money is safe.

These scams usually conclude with the listing being removed after payment has been made so victims are left with no way of contacting the scammer and the delivery never arriving.

We recently recovered £3,500.50 for a victim of a similar purchase scam as well as £264.54 in interest and £75.00 compensation. 

What to do if you have been scammed?

If you have lost over £3,000.00 to an online scam, Phoenix Legal Solicitors may be able to help you recover your lost funds. Don’t waste any time in contacting us and we will conduct a free evaluation of your claim.

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